Dream Sanxingdui - 12K Immersive Digital Exhibition

On December 29, 2022, under the guidance of Art Exhibitions China, China Digital Culture Group and Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, and co-sponsored by the Audiovisual New Media Center of China Central Radio and Television Corporation (CCTV), Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Sichuan Guanghan Sanxingdui Museum, and Zhongchuang Cultural Protection Technology Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd., the "Dream Sanxingdui - 12K Immersive Digital Exhibition" (preview) opened at the Exhibition Hall of Art Exhibitions China. Xie Bing, member of the leading party group and deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, attended the event, and more than 60 responsible comrades of the Department of Museum and Social Cultural Relics of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Relics, Beijing Capital International Airport Airport Economic Zone Management Committee and other relevant departments, as well as representatives of all parties and special guests of the exhibition. The Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau is mainly responsible for comrades attending the opening event online.  With the theme of Sanxingdui culture, this exhibition is divided into three parts: "encounter", "touching dreams" and "spirit", through the display of Sanxingdui archaeological excavation process, 12K ultra-high-definition cultural relics digital image and Sanxingdui cultural theme contemporary art works created by domestic and foreign artists, comprehensive use of science and technology, music, painting, art and other ways of expression and communication means, to provide the audience with multi-angle interactive, experiential and immersive new cultural experience of sight, hearing and sense, so that the audience can experience "sleeping for thousands of years, waking up to the world" up close The charm of ancient Shu and the understanding of the pluralistic and integrated, open and inclusive Chinese civilization.On the basis of fully listening to the suggestions of experts, scholars and the general audience, this preview exhibition will deepen value mining, enhance international expression, and practice "internal strength" for going abroad and promoting international tours. The first stop of the international tour is scheduled to land in New York, USA in May 2023. This is a dialogue and exchange that puts the ancient Sanxingdui cultural relics in the world and contemporary context, and is a positive attempt to strengthen international communication capacity building and enhance the influence of Chinese civilization.